Posts tagged fiatlux
Battles an Entrepreneur Will Face #1: Siege

This is a very common battle entrepreneurs face. You are doing so much but nothing seems to happen. This is a siege against your vision; your dreams are being besieged. You are doing so much; you have given up everything; you have given up your friendships, your time with family, your energy, your money but nothing seems to happen. It’s silent! This is perhaps one of the most frustrating battles that you have to deal with; the siege.

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Be Still And Know That I Am God And ... I Have Called You

God has clicked the “pause” button for the entire globe. For billions of people, that ever-speeding, ever-noisy, ever-stressful thing called life has suddenly taken a break. It is as if the Creator looked upon His creation, a world driving itself increasingly insane, and announced, “Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 16:10)”.

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